Remember Play-Doh? That florescent putty which, according to my mother, were highly toxic and life threatening? Yeah? Sure brings back memories of the good ol’ days, right? Yeah, well, Play-Doh ain’t got nothing on Konapun.

Too good to eat, even if it is inedible. (Source:

Okay, so, what the heck is Konapun and why is it so great? According to,

Konapun is an awesome Japanese toy that lets you make ultra-realistic miniature fake food. It comes with all of the “ingredients” you need to make whatever the theme of the kit is plus adorable little utensils and cooking implements that make the process more realistic. There is actually no heat involved in making the food. All you do is mix these special powders with water.

I spent a good hour watching Konapun videos on Youtube and these Japanese cooking toys are just about the most amazing fucking thing to grace the surface of the planet. It takes the kawaii-chibi-Japanese thing to a whole different level. There are miniature ICE CREAM MACHINES, miniature PARFAIT GLASSES, miniature RICE COOKERS THAT “COOK” RICE, miniature DEEP FRYERS THAT SIZZLE, miniature PIPING BAGS WITH PIPING NOZZLES, MINIATURE EVERYTHING!

puke ALL the rainbows
Too. Damn. CUTE.

I don’t even know how to handle this. I love cute things. I love miniatures. I love cooking. Why is Konapun so glorious and so gloriously discontinued? Why would anyone, ANYONE, stop producing these toy kits is completely beyond me?

Watch ALL OF THESE VIDEOS. It is worth it. I swear. I swear.

Published by Xerox

NYU student who likes to write about life, food, and anime (and some other stuff).

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